Your senior session is planned around your personality and what you love. A pre-session consultation is how we start with a studio visit, a phone call, email, skype, or facetime - whichever works best for you! That’s our opportunity to discuss with you the specific details for your session. What will you wear? Are you bringing props - the instrument you play, a football, your new puppy, whatever is a part of you? Do you have a specific idea for a location you want to shoot at? Don’t worry, we’ll will walk you through every step of the process!
Your senior session will include a consultation before your shoot, your photo shoot session, your choice of outfits, and our artistic editing and retouching on all your final images. You're a high school senior only once, so let’s make this an experience to remember!

With our sessions, we'll shoot for approximately 1- 2 hours in studio or on-location. If you want, bring along some music to play on our IPod Dock to get you loosened up while we shoot. You can even bring along a friend or family member to encourage you. You’ll feel great once we get rolling and I share some of the images I take with you. And please…don’t worry about posing prior to your session, I’ll walk you through every step with ease. My ultimate goal is to capture you feeling good, looking great and having fun. You deserve to have amazing photos of yourself for this important time in your life.
After your session, I’ll choose 20-30 of the best images. Your invited to come view them at our studio on the big screen or I can create an online gallery for you to view. Once you decide on the images that capture the best of who you are, I will do any editing and retouching that may be necessary. Worried about the pimple that showed up the morning of your big day? Don’t be. Each and every photo will be hand edited to professional standards.

From there, we can talk about the products that you and your family are interested in, and I will help with sizing for any wall portraits as well. It’s all about ensuring that you receive the perfect products for you and the family.
This time in your life will never come again, you are only this age once. These images will be a part of your legacy - something you and your family can share and something you'll enjoy in the future when you look back on them. Unlike most everything that can be purchased, portraits won’t depreciate in value - in fact, they will only get more valuable with time...that's why they're an investment!